100% agree with the conclusions, but I wonder how did you get that LHS chart for the GS FCI index? Or is it the BBG one?

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Sorry, it is the yearly change of the financial conditions index

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Great work and congrats on the little one. One question, FED hikes will not bring the food and energy prices down effectively. As a result, the FED needs to slow or stop tightening earlier than a major reduction inflation. So the real yields will stay negative and at the top of that if the growth you mentioned starts rolling in, short dollar and long commodities needs to be in cards in near future, no? And long tech/growth?

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shouldn't low rates be positive for Growth stocks ? isn't it going to be disinflation (not deflation) ?

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Thank you for sharing your insights Steno and congrats on being a father!

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I think the first tapering bar is positioned wrongly in time

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Hi Andreas, congrats on the little one! A question from me on the global credit impulse. I would like to calculate the measure myself. How is it calculated and what data sources can I pull the data from?

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Send me an email and I will revert with some info

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