Inflation is not going to peak in Q1 as the most recent price developments in energy- and food prices will lead inflation much higher in Q2. So, the question is now; How do you trade stagflation?
Excellent read! From my end, I see more of a decelerating growth and inflation for Q2/Q3 but time will tell. I'm a tactical, discretionary, trend following macro trader so I'm happy to ride whatever trend in whatever direction in whatever market but it's nice to have a decent grasp of macro economic fundamentals relating to the WHY of markets to complement the study and understanding of HOW markets move. Happy speculating!
Very timely post. Many thanks Andreas.
Excellent read! From my end, I see more of a decelerating growth and inflation for Q2/Q3 but time will tell. I'm a tactical, discretionary, trend following macro trader so I'm happy to ride whatever trend in whatever direction in whatever market but it's nice to have a decent grasp of macro economic fundamentals relating to the WHY of markets to complement the study and understanding of HOW markets move. Happy speculating!