Andreas, I am interested in following your research as a retail investor. I assume you will be publishing tier pricing soon. Thus far I have not seen subscription pricing (Institutional, retail or otherwise) at your website. Best regards from the east coast of the U.S., Woody

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We will go live in January. Stay tuned Woody. Best wishes to you and your family for 2023 🙏

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I like your analysis too. Maybe it's less the upside and or downside risks of inflation and more a crossways change in sectors for various reasons.

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Nice analysis!

Another catalyst for adding tactical long exposure is that market breadth is reaching oversold levels, which has supported countertrend rallies in a couple other instances this year.

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Best Wishes to you, your family and team

Look forward to your comments on a few ideas.


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Andreas, Thanks a lot for sharing this piece on betas. Exactly what I was thinking about during some silent days. 👍

Chart 4 headline says „drop“ !?

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